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Introducing EZ Texting en Español!

09 February, 2023
EZ Texting Product Team

We are excited to announce that we have made a major update to our messaging platform to support special characters commonly used in Spanish. In the past, we had to restrict these characters to ensure successful message delivery and prevent billing issues. However, we understand that many of our customers communicate in languages other than English, especially Spanish, the second most commonly used language in the US.

Our solution to this problem is to allow you to send messages with the following special characters: á, Á, é, É, í, Í, ó, Ó, ú, Ú, ñ, Ñ, ü, Ü, ¡, ¿. With this update, you can now communicate in Spanish with proper spelling and punctuation without any limitations.

We also know that supporting all Unicode characters is important to our users, and we plan to work towards supporting all languages later this year. In the meantime, we are excited to support Spanish and enable our customers to communicate more effectively with their Spanish-speaking contacts.

Lastly, we want to remind our users that the ¿ character may cause message splitting in some cases, but we will provide a notification: "Special character (¿) may require additional credits" when this character is added, the same way we do for the underscore (_) character currently.

We hope this update makes it easier for our users to communicate with their contacts in Spanish, and we look forward to supporting more languages in the future.

¡Disfruten enviando mensajes de texto!