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Inbound Call Reply!

14 March, 2023
EZ Texting Product Team

We wanted to update you on a recent issue that some of our customers have been experiencing. When a contact calls your EZ textable number, they may have received a busy signal, resulting in a negative experience.

We are excited to announce that we have implemented a solution to this problem. We have eliminated the busy signal and have replaced it with a default audio file that says, "Thank you for calling. This phone number is only capable of receiving text messages and cannot receive voice calls. Please try sending a text instead." This will provide a better experience for your contacts that may assume that your textable number can receive calls as well.

As always, we strive to provide the best service possible to our users, which is why we want to hear from you. We are curious to know if you are interested in having additional voice features such as playing custom audio or forwarding calls to a different number or voicemail. Please let us know if you are interested in this by contacting our support team.

Additionally, we understand that some users may prefer not to have this feature enabled. To accommodate this, we have made it possible for you to disable or re-enable this feature at any time via our self-serve portal.